What we do
Did you know that at least 70% of roles secured are sourced through networking? This means that this component of your job search strategy is crucial. Networking is not only important while seeking a role, it is actually important all the time. Outcome Coaching will help you amplify your contacts and network more expansively.
Karen, took me through a comprehensive process that provided clarity and focus allowing me to move forward. She was a great support, available almost anytime I needed advice. In addition, she has an impressive network to which she provided a number of introductions any of which may have opened opportunities directly.
When coaching people , Karen not only strives to provide the best possible advice, but she also tries to establish lifelong relationships. I am extremely grateful to Karen for all the time that she agreed to talk to me after hours and across different time zones to update me on the industry contacts that she had found for me or help me improve my resume and interview skills. I believe it's this ability to establish relationships beyond her coaching role that makes so many people continue to engage with her.
Networking is arguably one of the most important skills for securing a role.
The process includes: