Outcome Coaching Founder Karen Lewitton


Refresh Your
Career With
Expert Support

Karen Lewitton
Founder & Coach
Outcome Coaching Founder Karen Lewitton

Questions our clients ask

Is it common to never get responses from job applications?
Am I in the right career?
Is it possible to achieve work-life balance?
I’ve never had to write a resume before, where do I begin?
Is SEEK and LinkedIn enough or is there more to a job search?
Will any of my skills be relevant if I change roles?
I have been made redundant after many years with the same company, how will I find a new role?
Will I be able to meet my financial obligations while I search for work?
I’ve never interviewed for a job, is it too late to learn?
Will I ever find my passion?
Do roles that bring challenge and meaning exist?
I’ve interviewed so many times, but I keep missing out, why is this happening?

We provide bespoke career services to people who are seeking clarity.

Are you one of those people?

Personalised Career Coaching
Outcome Coaching

Strategic career COACHING for individuals who are ready to ATTAIN career satisfaction

Outcome Coaching is a Career Coaching service that educates, equips and empowers individuals with the skills they need to succeed and advance their careers. We do this in an impactful and meaningful way through one-on-one coaching, workshops and online courses.


16 years’ experience in career management

Having spent two decades working with people to find their dream careers we can help you secure work that truly lights you up


Our founder's background

6 Years

Chartered Accountant / CA

As a CA I learned relationship building, problem solving, judgement, numeracy and how to interview for information.

7 Years


Relying on my accounting and finance background, I continued to develop my relationship building skills. I learned coaching, emotional intelligence and deep listening, which laid the foundation for my coaching work.

16 Years

Career Coach

I have refined my coaching skills through:

  • Delivering career services at two top Australian Universities
  • Building a career service for a registered training organisation and higher education provider
  • Supplying Outplacement Programs for an Outplacement Leader
  • Coaching individuals at every level through my own business, Outcome Coaching

our benefits

We enjoy helping people realise their goals.

Our passion at Outcome Coaching is about creating enduring solutions for our clients.

Work smart

Learn the tips, tricks, and latest techniques to expedite the process while being accountable to a professional.

Build a personalised package

Not everyone has the same requirements. Build a bundle to suit your needs and budget.

Learn to play the interview game

Proven structures and techniques to build your confidence and win the game.

Optimise your LinkedIn page

Learn how your resume and LinkedIn profile are different and get your voice heard.

Receive accessible services

Outcome Coaching services are available from anywhere. Choose whether you would like to work with us in person, or virtually.

Get your resume seen

Your resume is the only part of your job search process that you can control. Understand that less is more and how to beat Applicant Tracking Systems.

Who we help

Building a career happens in stages.
Where is your starting point?



Entry Level

Junior people, just launching their careers. This includes students and new graduates or people with up to 5 years’ experience. We work with a lot of graduates who feel overwhelmed by the process of finding a job for the first time. Outcome Coaching often assists with their first resumes and helps them understand how interviews work. Depending on their requirements, the process usually takes a few weeks.

Experienced Level

People with up to 5 years’ experience. Experienced professionals often find they either want to move to the next level or re-examine their careers. Career coaching can be valuable at this stage and sometimes revamping resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles can make all the difference

Senior Level

Senior Managers with between 5 and 10 years’ experience. Senior Managers often progress through their career without any or many interviews. This means that all their branding needs a professional touch and the interview game is quite foreign.

Executive Level

This includes both the C suite and Board members. The most important services we provide for this level is both branding and interview technique. Despite the seniority of their positions, these top tier professionals still need to learn the nuances of interview technique and how to ensure their resumes receive attention.

Together, we can build a package to suit your
Together, we can build a package to suit your

Career Coaching services
that educate, equip and empower

Outcome Coaching Career services

Career Coaching


Outcome Coaching Brand Developement

Brand Development


Outcome Coaching job search strategy

Job Search Strategy


Outcome Coaching Interview Techniques

Interview Technique


Outcome Coaching Career services

Career Coaching


Outcome Coaching Brand Developement

Brand Development


Outcome Coaching job search strategy

Job Search Strategy


Outcome Coaching Interview Techniques

Interview Technique


Outcome Coaching Outplacement services

Outplacement Services


Outcome Coaching Workshops


Individuals & Organisations

Career Coaching services
that educate, equip and empower

Together, we can build a package to suit your goals.

Outcome Coaching Free Guide

Worried you’ll make the wrong career decision?

Outcome Coaching’s Guide to Information Interview Questions will provide top tips for asking the right questions to prevent this expensive mistake.

Get your FREE

Guide for Information Interview Questions

Simply enter your name and the email address you would like your Guide sent to

Outcome Coaching has a passion for helping people pursue their dreams

Our clients have secured roles at:

Amazon logo
Delloite logo
Afterpay logo
Aware Super logo
Xero Logo
Cochlear logo
Commonwealth logo
Credit Suisse logo
CSIRO logo
Delloite logo
Energy Australia logo
Garvan Institute of Medical Research logo
Lendlease logo
Macquarie Group logo
Optus logo
PWC logo
Salesforce logo
Stockland logo
Strategy& logo
Teva logo
Uber logo
Unilever logo
Westpac logo

I found Karen's assistance in re-crafting my CV and LinkedIn profile, as well as numerous other practical tips and tricks invaluable in my recent job search. On top of her expert knowledge and advice, Karen genuinely cared about my success and was instrumental in my securing the perfect role. I can highly recommend Karen!

Brand Development/Job Search Strategy

Karen provided invaluable advice in establishing my career goals. She was great in working through my resume and skill set. She helped me with specific interview questions and formulating effective responses. Thanks to her guidance I was able to secure a legal position this year and an accounting cadetship next year.

Brand Development/Interview Technique

Having been in industry for over 25 years I have worked with many recruitment, HR, and personal development agencies. I have found Karen to be a true professional and stands out way beyond her peers. I highly recommend Karen to any organization or individual for exceptional personal coaching and development either individually or within teams.

Job Search Strategy/Interview Technique

Karen's guidance and support to find a job, during one of the hardest times of my professional career, was second to none. Her knowledge and network across Australia were shared with joy and care. Karen knows how to push you forward and oversee your struggles according to your capabilities. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking support for career clarity or growth. Thank you!

Job Search Strategy/Brand Development

If you’re looking for a Career / Executive Coach, look no further. I have worked with Karen, and she has helped me significantly in navigating a career change and getting clear on what I really want. Karen is empathetic, compassionate, reliable, and hard working. She goes the extra distance and is without doubt incredibly supportive. I cannot recommend Karen more highly.

Career Transition/Brand Development

Karen is an expert Career Coach. She quickly analyses where you are in your career, and she delivers frank and honest feedback which provides clarity in your career decisioning. Karen has refined her expert coaching skills and has mastered the ability to help you find your next career steps. She is dedicated to working with you to get the outcomes you desire.

Career Transition

Inspirational, caring and dedicated, Karen helped me refine my highly diverse skillset to a digestible and communicable level. She helped me uncover valuable insights towards ideal occupation activities and recommended suitable occupations which would suit and, utilise my very broad skillset.

Brand Development/Career Transition

I found Karen to be very professional and insightful. She had a lot of patience and her experience in the field was very evident in the feedback she provided. Her analysis and advice have been very useful, and I would recommend her work for anyone looking for clarity on their future career direction.

Career Transition

Karen is a personable and enthusiastic individual who will make sure that you reach your goals. I was very fortunate to meet Karen during my last year of university. I was at the beginning of applications for graduate positions and came to Karen for guidance on the application process, resume writing skills and interview skills. From the first meeting Karen was able to offer suggestions on how to improve my resume and my interview skills, Karen was able to also offer advice tailored to my area of interests. I would recommend Karen to anyone.

Brand Development/Interview Technique

Karen is everything you can expect from a real consultant: she understands your needs quickly, comes prepared with suggestions (including out of the box), is quick to provide first steps to take, and offers expertise as well as a network. The follow up is impeccable and quick. I would recommend Karen to everyone.

Networking/Job Search Strategy

There are many who excel advising, but few are patient enough to first listen. Karen is certainly one of the latter few! She listens, understands, and then delivers a customized action plan. And more importantly, she cares! Karen is well connected, has been instrumental in shaping many bright careers, and loves to coach. She has always been a wonderful guide. I am sure that she’ll continue to raise new success stories.

Brand Development/Interview Technique

Karen is incredibly knowledgeable about her field and her high levels of emotional intelligence and people skills make her a pleasure to work with and an invaluable resource. Due to the combination of her personality, knowledge, thoroughness and positive attitude, I felt that every consultation with Karen added significant value.

Career Transition

I highly recommend Karen Lewitton as a Career Coach. Karen is a deeply experienced and highly personable career coach. Her insights into the process and knowledge of the industry were invaluable. Karen conducts herself with the highest level of integrity and was a pleasure to work with. I recommend Karen to anyone who is looking to develop their career and take that next step.

Career Transition
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ One of our core values is to Lead with Generosity. Leaving our mark on people's lives.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ One of our core values is to Lead with Generosity. Leaving our mark on people's lives.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Here at Outcome Coaching we make an impact on people’s lives because of what we do. We are grateful to positively impact our clients' lives by helping them energise their careers.

Working pro bono for at least 10% of our time, makes us proud.

our digital course

Need a strategy to land your next job now?!

Get unstuck in 30 days with the Job Search Optimiser Program

Job Search Optimiser


  • Implement change tomorrow
  • Video and written content
  • 6 Modules
  • Option to pay in two instalments
Job Search Optimiser Program with Coaching


  • Implement change tomorrow
  • Video and written content
  • 6 Modules
  • 1 session of Career Coaching included